San andreas gay pride flags

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Were chosen in contrast to the separation of genders and expressions included in otherĪromantic: Someone who does not experience romantic attraction, or does so in a significantlyĭifferent way than is traditionally thought of. The complimenting white stripes are toīe inclusive to those who are non-binary and intersex. Represents those without a gender identity. Version features three horizontal stripes and uses only two colors. The flag was created to represent those within the Agender community.Īgender folks may identify as having no gender, having an undefinable gender, notĪligning with any gender, gender-neural or neutrois, or choose not to label theirĪnother version of the Agender Pride Flag was created by Rumpus Parable in 2014. History: The Agender flag has seven horizontal stripes and was created in the year of 2014īy Salem X. Agender folks may have any type of expression and use any set of pronouns or no pronouns.

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The term Agender can be literally translated to ‘without gender’. Becoming a Hispanic Serving InstitutionĪgender: People who identify as having no gender or as gender neutral.

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